The NBA: How to Retire

The NBA: How to Retire

April 16, 2019 Off By tailgatesports

By: Matthew Lippe, Basketball Analyst

This past Tuesday, Dwyane Wade and Dirk Nowitzki retired. However, they both had very different ways of stepping away from the game they love. Today, we will explore the two retirements and how other players can learn from this pair of greats.

Dwyane Wade- The Farewell Tour

Ever since the beginning of the season, the whole league has known about Wade’s retirement. From the first game to the last, each game served as a chance for each team to send their respects to the legend. These touches, tribute videos, standing ovations, and jersey swaps, all were very well executed. However, something about the whole ordeal felt a little forced: from the hashtag “OneLastDance” to the merchandise opportunities, the retirement did not exactly feel organic. And don’t get me wrong, I don’t blame Wade one bit for how he handled his retirement, but I’m not really sure he needed all the extra attention: he’s already an all-time great and every time he steps on the floor other teams should realize that. It shouldn’t take a formal announcement.

Wade’s retirement reminds me of a lot of Kobe Bryant’s. Like Wade, Kobe announced his retirement at the beginning his final season and played out his final season with each team saying their good byes. Kobe and Wade have been the only ones so far to do a “Farewell Tour” in the NBA, and it brings up the question, is this the future of NBA retirements? Is every player entitled to a farewell tour, or does one have to have specific accomplishments? It will be interesting to see how players like Vince Carter, LeBron James, and Chris Paul approach retirement in the future, and if they will resort to the farewell tour or they could go the other route: the quiet retirement.

Dirk Nowitzki- Quiet Retirement

Many around the league have been wondering whether this would be Dirk’s last season or not. Dirk is nowhere near the player he used to be, so many assumed that his retirement would come in the following years, but such an abrupt announcement caught everyone off guard. Dirk was never flashy, or one to look for the bright lights of a bigger market, staying all 21 years of his career in Dallas. So, when Dirk announced his retirement after his final home game, the entire NBA community immediately sent their congratulations and respects to the legend. In the end, Dirks retirement almost felt more special and natural, because it reminded fans to always appreciate the players you have before they are gone.

Nowitzki’s retirement is very much like that of Tim Duncan’s. During Duncan’s last season, the Spurs made the playoffs as the second seed. However they were eliminated in the second round by the Thunder and that would be Duncan’s last NBA game. Instead of making a big deal about his final season, Duncan put the team first and made sure that they would not have any outside distractions as they pursued the playoffs.

As a true competitor, I don’t think you should necessarily announce you’re retirement at the beginning of the season, because it can take away from the team: instead of focusing on winning games, you’re more focused on receiving recognition. Nowitzki didn’t bring unnecessary attention and allowed the young players to play free of pressure.

So, what is the best way to go out? With the fireworks of a farewell tour or peacefulness of a quiet announcement? I think it honestly comes down to the type of player. For instance, I feel players like CP3 and LeBron will have farewell tours, while Kawhi Leonard and Giannis Antetokounmpo may go out with a little less flair. No matter which you agree with, Dwyane Wade and Dirk Nowitzki leave the game as all-time greats and the NBA will miss their presence greatly.