NCAA Tournament Bracket Challenge
March 12, 2017Welcome to the Tailgate Sports NCAA Tournament Bracket Challenge! This year for March Madness the staff here at Tailgate Sports is running a free entry contest where, by entering your March Madness bracket, you could win some prizes! Read our rules and list of prizes below before entering!
The contest this year will be hosted on ESPN’s Tournament Challenge. To enter either download the ESPN Tournament Challenge app and join the group called “Tailgate Sports” or use the link ( to enter on the desktop version. Each contestant can enter 1 FREE bracket at any time between Selection Sunday and the first tip off of the tournament.
TO BE ELIGIBLE TO WIN you must comment below this post with what player you would want a poster of if you win and your email/Twitter handle so we can contact you if you have won any of the prizes listed below!
This year the contestants with the highest and second highest points total (who aren’t Tailgate Sports employees) will win prizes!
2nd place – The 2nd place winner will receive a custom made poster, by our Graphic Design team, of any athlete in any sport they want! The poster will be 12”x18” and will be one of a kind! Below are examples of some of the designs our Graphic Design team has made this year. Reminder: YOU MUST COMMENT BELOW THIS POST WITH WHAT PLAYER YOU WOULD WANT A POSTER OF ALONG WITH YOUR EMAIL/TWITTER HANDLE. IF THE 2ND PLACE (OR 1ST PLACE) CONTESTANT DOES NOT DO THIS, THE CONTESTANT WITH THE NEXT HIGHEST POINT TOTAL WILL WIN THE PRIZE.
1st place – The 1st place winner will receive a few prizes! First, they will also receive a custom made poster of any athlete they want, made by our graphic design team. Next, they will win a Carolina Blue Michael Jordan UNC jersey! Lastly, they will also win the 2017 Tailgate Sports NCAA Tournament Bracket Champion t shirt! Pictures of both of these prizes are attached below.
Tailgate Champion shirt*:
*Design maybe subject to change
Both the jersey and Champion t shirt will be ordered after the contest is over. We will contact the 1st place winner via email or Twitter to let them know they’ve won and to ask for their jersey/t shirt size. PLEASE NOTE: it may take up to 2-3 weeks for the shirts to arrive, but we will keep you updated throughout the entire duration via email, Twitter, or both! Also, the 1st and 2nd place poster prizes will also be made after the contest is over. We will contact these contestant winners by Twitter or email as well.
Good luck to all the contestants entering the NCAA Tournament Bracket Challenge! While you’re on the site, check out some of the articles we have posted and stay tuned to see who wins the March Madness contest!
Written by Tailgate Sports Staff
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