NFL Wild Card Weekend Staff Predictions

January 7, 2017 Off By tailgatesports

Today marks the first day of the 2017 NFL Playoffs, and here at Tailgate Sports we decided to ask the entire staff who do they have winning in each matchup.  This weekend is full of intense matchups and games that could easily be decided by one crucial play, and it shows on our predictions.  Whether it’s the tough decision of who will win at Lambeau Field tonight or the fact that literally all of us believe the Dolphins won’t make it past the Wild Card Round, our predictions only further prove that you can’t miss this weekend’s matchups.  Check out our predictions below:


Staff Giants vs Packers Lions vs Seahawks Raiders vs Texans Dolphins vs Steelers
Erik Giants 24-21 Seahawks 17-14 Texans 9-7 Steelers 31-14
Rick Packers 34-27 Seahawks 23-17 Texans 17-13 Steelers 37-30
Chase Packers 31-24 Seahawks 24-21 Texans 14-3 Steelers 35-7
Domenic Giants 31-24 Lions 17-13 Raiders 23-20 Steelers 34-24
Brett Giants 30-21 Seahawks 28-14 Texans 21-17 Steelers 35-24
Nick Giants 24-13 Lions 20-17 Raiders 20-17 Steelers 31-13
Will Packers 34-21 Seahawks 24-14 Texans 24-20 Steelers 27-20
Connor Packers 31-27 Lions 27-24 Texasn 24-13 Steelers 34-17
Matt Giants 28-27 Seahawks 17-14 Raiders 19-13 Steelers 35-21
Brian Giants 24-21 Seahawks 35-21 Texans 21-20 Steelers 49-31

Written by Tailgate Sports Staff