Tailgate Sports Staff SNF Predictions – Week 12

Tailgate Sports Staff SNF Predictions – Week 12

November 26, 2017 Off By tailgatesports

After an exciting couple of matchups last Thursday for Thanksgiving Day Football it’s finally Sunday night, and of course your favorite site for sports news and entertainment is back with more predictions for Week 12’s SNF game. This week the standings won’t change at all seeing that literally ALL 17 staff members at Tailgate Sports have picked the Steelers. Cleary Tailgate Sports is very anti-Go Pack Go this week, so if you’re a Packers fan send us an angry tweet @_tailgatesports. On the other hand, if you’re a Steelers fan check out our Twitter page as well as we’ll be posting every TD celebration Juju and AB do tonight.




Matt 13-1 Steelers 27-20
Liam 11-3 Steelers 31-10
Will 10-4 Steelers 31-15
David 10-4 Steelers 28-17
Erik 9-5 Steelers 34-12
Brett 9-5 Steelers 27-13
Nick K 9-5 Steelers 34-16
Nick M 9-5 Steelers 27-10
Dom 8-6 Steelers 40-13
Paul M 8-6 Steelers 27-24
Ryan 7-7 Steelers 27-14
Nick G 6-8 Steelers 34-10
Connor 6-8 Steelers 27-10
Garrett 6-8 Steelers 34-10
Paul C 5-9 Steelers 32-16
Casey 9-1 Steelers 24-10
Mason 5-0 Steelers 23-14