Aaron Judge Robs Man Child Zack Hample and It’s the Only Good Thing the Yankees Have Done This Season

October 9, 2017 Off By tailgatesports

Listen, I HATE the Yankees. I live to watch the evil empire fail in every way you possibly can in baseball, but occasionally the Yanks do something I can completely support. Aaron Judge robbing an Indians home run while also preventing the man child known as Zack Hample from snagging another home run ball is something I can ship any day of the week.

For those who don’t know, Zack Hample is a grown ass man who literally runs around major league ballparks with a glove to try to get as many foul balls and home run balls as he can. Apparently, he claims that he has collected more than 10,000 baseballs, and has been known to completely body people to snag balls and illegally attend games that only military personnel were allowed to attend.  


Catching foul balls is fun and all, and I guess if Hample was selling them or giving them to Cooperstown you could justify running around ballparks like a lunatic, but going to more baseball games than Marlins Man only to not watch the game and steal foul balls from young fans is probably the dumbest hobby you could possibly have. I don’t care who you are or how many or how few foul balls you’ve caught in your life, if a little kid is in anywhere near you in the ballpark, which I guarantee there is, that foul ball belongs to them. There is literally no reason why a 40 year old man deserves to catch a foul ball more than a little kid, and the fact that Zack Hample’s life revolves around proving this wrong clearly shows how garbage of a person he is. Thankfully, Aaron Judge used his god like athleticism and build to prevent Hample from stealing a Cleveland home run ball from the two young fans seen in the gif above. The Yankees are still evil, but definitely not “Zack Hample taking foul balls away from children” evil.


Grow up and find a different hobby, big fella.



Written by Erik Clark